Get unstuck and back to your path of well-being

  Posted On:  July 20, 2019

Have you ever had one of those days when you just feel stuck?  Maybe you are feeling a slight impulse for something different or maybe it’s a bigger impulse to change things up.  If you have noticed that your life isn’t matching up with what you want or feel that it should be, it’s time

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Be Kind Valentine

  Posted On:  February 12, 2018

Valentine’s Day is all about love. We can describe love in many different ways and we all have strategies to express it.  But what if for the sake of simplicity, we define love as kindness?  When we are kind we are not only loving towards others, but towards ourselves. More and more research demonstrates the

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Unplug and open up

  Posted On:  March 25, 2014

Last week I arrived to a lunch meeting about 20 minutes early and decided to keep my phone in my jacket pocket instead of keeping myself preoccupied with the latest status updates on all of the social media sites.  As I sat there and took in my surroundings, it was astonishing the stories that I

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Complaint free day

  Posted On:  January 26, 2014

What if you spent an entire day without complaining? How would that change your perspective?  How uncomfortable would it be to refrain from voicing a complaint and accept the reality of a situation and continue to move forward?  I’m not suggesting that we all become passive and not speak up about unequitable, unjust, or unacceptable

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Holiday check-up

  Posted On:  November 21, 2013

Who is ready for the holidays?!  If you just responded with an exasperated sigh or cringed as you read those words, this may be a good post for you. This time is mentally and physically exhausting all by itself, so why not consider doing a quick mental health check-up before you find yourself wanting to call

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Apples and Oranges

  Posted On:  October 24, 2013

“Comparison is the thief of joy”—Theodore Roosevelt. You know the saying “that’s like comparing apples to oranges”?  When I was younger, it would always baffle me because I couldn’t understand why you would need to compare such similar objects.  But as a culture, that’s what we like to do…compare identical things and circumstances and then participate

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An exercise worth trying during any season

  Posted On:  July 8, 2013

As the summer rolls on and time seems to pass at a quicker pace than I like to admit, I realize how important it is for me to remain as present as possible and cherish these days.  We talk about ‘being present’ all the time but I think this concept is as unique for each

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