The best gifts rarely come with receipts

  Posted On:  December 5, 2016

It’s time to go shopping and find all the best gifts for everyone!  As I get ready to brace for the crowds of people and navigate all the sales ads, I can’t help but think about my favorite gifts over the past few years.  The funny thing is that I can barely remember more than

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Presence for Presents

  Posted On:  November 29, 2013

I love the holidays.  I love anything that brings people together and nurtures connection with each other.  Unfortunately, a by-product of all this connection is the much dreaded gift exchanges and holiday purchases that sometimes overshadow the spirit of the season. This post is created in the spirit of including some presence in the presents of the season.  🙂

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An exercise worth trying during any season

  Posted On:  July 8, 2013

As the summer rolls on and time seems to pass at a quicker pace than I like to admit, I realize how important it is for me to remain as present as possible and cherish these days.  We talk about ‘being present’ all the time but I think this concept is as unique for each

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