Take action to create motivation and success today

  Posted On:  March 8, 2023

If you are having trouble finding motivation or helping someone else who is struggling, keep reading! Instead of waiting to feel motivated, take action to create it. We often think that motivation comes before action but sometimes waiting for the feeling to strike can be counterproductive. In fact, there is a growing body of research

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Strength training for everyone.

  Posted On:  April 6, 2014

If someone asks you how your week is going, what are you most likely going to focus on?  Too often we get caught up in the things that we didn’t do well, the tasks we didn’t complete, or simply the daunting things piling up in front of us.  And sometimes, all of those things start

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Complaint free day

  Posted On:  January 26, 2014

What if you spent an entire day without complaining? How would that change your perspective?  How uncomfortable would it be to refrain from voicing a complaint and accept the reality of a situation and continue to move forward?  I’m not suggesting that we all become passive and not speak up about unequitable, unjust, or unacceptable

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The power of hope is stronger than the turmoil of worry

  Posted On:  April 16, 2013

When is the last time someone asked you, “What are you hoping for?”  And how often do we spend time thinking about our hopes and dreams?  I say things all the time like, “I’m hoping for a quiet day today” or “I hope traffic isn’t backed up this morning.”  But I don’t really think about what

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