What are you doing right now?

  Posted On:  January 16, 2018

I am infatuated with the future.  I can sit and think about ‘what if’ for hours.  Okay, maybe not hours, but I’m sure I have spent a tremendous amount of time thinking, dreaming, and planning for things I want to do.  That’s great, right?  Not exactly.   I’m so good at planning and thinking out logistics

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Apples and Oranges

  Posted On:  October 24, 2013

“Comparison is the thief of joy”—Theodore Roosevelt. You know the saying “that’s like comparing apples to oranges”?  When I was younger, it would always baffle me because I couldn’t understand why you would need to compare such similar objects.  But as a culture, that’s what we like to do…compare identical things and circumstances and then participate

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