A little dose of self-compassion

  Posted On:  April 29, 2013

An entire wall of mirrors, another wall of windows, and a class full of thin, trim, and apparently very flexible 20 somethings has led to a much-needed practice of self-compassion this evening.  As I stared at myself while navigating this part Pilates and part Yoga (PiYo) class, I almost laughed at how ridiculous I looked. 

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Learning how to practice patience…

  Posted On:  April 23, 2013

Practice patience.  That’s the inspiration card that hangs above my computer at work.  I stuck it there because I need that kind of ‘in your face’ reminder every day.  I often feel like I’m running around, trying to beat a clock somewhere only to find my patience dwindle and be replaced by an excessive supply of

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Pause. Breathe. Repeat.

  Posted On:  April 19, 2013

I have a dear friend Ann who lives in another state and I try to see her as often as possible.  Her husband, Jim, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a few years ago .  During one visit, I had planned a surprise birthday party for Ann and managed to get most of the family there for

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The power of hope is stronger than the turmoil of worry

  Posted On:  April 16, 2013

When is the last time someone asked you, “What are you hoping for?”  And how often do we spend time thinking about our hopes and dreams?  I say things all the time like, “I’m hoping for a quiet day today” or “I hope traffic isn’t backed up this morning.”  But I don’t really think about what

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Take good care of yourself…be kind

  Posted On:  April 12, 2013

I have a job that tends to have an endless source of vicarious trauma.  I work with vulnerable youth and bear witness to their joy, pain, and sorrow.  And I am often reminded of the stories that we all hold.   The pure resilience of the human spirit is never lost on me.  Most days

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Love this poem by John Fox

  Posted On:  April 9, 2013

When Someone Deeply Listens To You When someone deeply listens to you it is like holding out a dented cup you’ve had since childhood and watching it fill up with cold, fresh water. When it balances on top of the brim, you are understood. When it overflows and touches your skin, you are loved. When

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Monday attitude check

  Posted On:  April 8, 2013

I rarely approach a Monday with the same enthusiasm as a Friday.  Maybe it’s because I have more restless sleep on Sunday night, maybe it’s because my mind can’t turn off the ever-increasing ‘task list’ for the week, or maybe it’s just because I’m not quite ready to release the sweet but so short weekend. 

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Being creative

  Posted On:  April 7, 2013

I can spend days (and even weeks) sometimes and wonder if I am ever going to feel inspired to get creative again.  Then, like a rushing creek, I am flooded with ideas around me.  For instance, I went to an art festival with a friend this weekend and was reminded how much inspiration exists all

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Finding Happy

  Posted On:  April 5, 2013

What makes you happy?  What is it that makes your heart sing? Simple questions, right?  Well, maybe not for everyone.  If you don’t believe me, find a teenager or perpetual teenager (you know, the brooding adult who still blames everyone else for their problems), and ask them “what makes you truly happy?”  It makes sense;

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Vocabulary of Love

  Posted On:  April 4, 2013

One of the exercises for my Anthropedia training included developing a list all of feelings that I  link to the expression of love and kindness.  It seemed like such an easy task, and who doesn’t love to make out lists?  Ha!  But when I sat down to write the list, I realized a sudden limitation of my own

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